Vertical Standpipe Installatio
2. Coat all pipe threads of kitted parts with Permatex #3 or
equivalent sealant.
3. Assemble kitted parts to drive as illustrated in Figure 2 and
then secure the standpipe with an external support to
maintain its vertical position.
4. Carefully measure Dimension X as illustrated in Figure 2.
5. From Table 1:
X + A equals oil level “Full” mark.
X + B equals oil level “Low” mark.
X + C equals dipstick length.
6. Scribe Dimensions X + A and X + B on the dipstick as
illustrated in Figure 1. Make measurements from the felt pad
in the dipstick cap.
7. Lightly chisel permanent oil level marks on the scribed lines
and cut the dipstick to the length marked. File end of
dipstick smooth.
8. Install magnetic drain plug (furnished) in oil drain location.
9. Remove the oil filler plug. Add oil until the oil level reaches
the “Full” mark on the dipstick. Coat the filler plug (not
vented) with Permatex #3 or equivalent sealant and replace
10. Filler plug must always be removed to relieve entrapped air
before checking oil level.
The Falk Corporation, P.O. Box 492, Zip 53201-0492
3001 W. Canal St., Zip 53208-4200, Milwaukee, WI USA Telephone: 414-342-3131
August 2004
Fax: 414-937-4359 e-mail: [email protected] web:
Supersedes 6-92
a good name in industry
Appendix E
Quadrive Shaft Mounted Drives
(Page 38 of 52)
Sizes 4407/M4407-4608/M4608