3: Detailed User Interface Features
Selecting this icon will open the selected file within the internal storage of the
corresponding display, or double clicking the selected file (
Measurement or Validation
Selecting this icon will open the dialog window pop-up (figure 3-8) for creating a new folder
at the selected place within the internal storage.
Figure 3-8 – New Folder Pop-up
Selecting this icon will open the dialog window (figure 3-9) for deleting the selected
file(s)/folder within the internal storage.
Note: The file(s)/folder will be permanently deleted.
Figure 3-9 – New Folder Pop-up
Selecting this icon will open the selected file within the external storage of the
corresponding display (
Measurement or Validation
Selecting this icon will open the dialog window (figure 3-8) for creating a new folder at the
selected location within the external storage device.
Selecting this icon will open the dialog window (figure 3-9) for deleting the selected
file(s)/folder of the external storage device.
Note: The file(s)/folder will be permanently deleted.
Activate Service Mode Display