F.W. BELL 8000 Series Gauss/Tesla Meter Instruction Manual
Section 8 – Remote Operation
:CALibration:ALL:ZERo:HSENsor:MODe <n>
Specifies the auto zero mode of operation for all channels.
where <n>
0 = DC Only
1 = Basic
2 = Advanced
Returns the state or the auto zero mode for the selected channel.
where <n>
0 = DC Only
1 = Basic
2 = Advanced
Relative Offset
These commands control the RELATIVE function. The RELATIVE function
subtracts a fixed flux density value from all measured values. The user can
define the offset or it can be generated using the present value of flux
density as measured by the Hall probe.
Since these commands are channel-specific the “#” in each command
should be replaced with the channel number 1, 2, or 3. If the channel
number is omitted then Channel-1 is assumed. A channel number (#) of
“4” affects the relative functions for vector summation.
:INPut#:OFFSet <NRf>
This command defines a fixed relative offset value, which will be subtracted
from all measured values. The relative offset value will only be used when
the RELATIVE function is enabled. See the “:INPut#:OFFSet:STATe”
command for details.
<NRf> is a signed decimal number between 0.0000000000 and
29999999. The meaning of the offset depends upon the selected unit of
measure (gauss, tesla, etc.). For instance the value 1.0203 could mean
1.0203 G or 1.0203 T.
Returns the relative offset value, it will be between 0.0000000000 and
29999999. The meaning of the offset depends upon the selected unit of
measure (gauss, tesla, etc.). For instance the value 1.0203 could mean
1.0203 G or 1.0203 T.
:INPut#:OFFSet:STATe <b>|ONCe
When <b> is “0” or “OFF” the RELATIVE function is turned off. The
present flux density readings will not be altered.
When <b> is “1” or “ON” the RELATIVE function will be enabled. A fixed
relative offset value will be subtracted from all flux density readings. This