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: press ENTER to access the DIAGNOSTICS submenu.
this submenu provides access to adjust the following settings:
Ohms limit
VDC limit
Ext control
Change password?
Change module?
This submenu is protected by a 4-digit password. The factory default password is 0000 and it
can be changed by the user.
The setting options are grouped in 2 pages:
Figure 15: SETUP Screen – Page 1
Ohms limit
: the default and maximum setpoint is 996 ohms. When set correctly,
this value will alert the operator of a possible issue with the CEDI module due to
scaling, fouling or any other issue that could cause an abnormal increase in the
resistance of the module. This value should be adjusted to match a module’s
high resistance limit as follows: once the module has come to steady state
(typically after about 48 hours of actual operating time), set the Ohms limit to 1.5
times the steady-state electrical resistance. This is higher than the
recommendation in the EDI manual (25%) for resistance change to allow for
temperature fluctuations.
VDC limit
: the default and maximum setpoint is 600 Volts. This voltage setting
will limit the actual DC output voltage of the power controller. It is recommended
that this number be set at the “Maximum Required DC Volts” value for the
specific CEDI module, as described in Table 3 of the G2 Power Controller
manual. If the actual DC voltage reaches the setpoint, a high DC voltage alarm
will trigger.
Ext control
: the default setting is “No”. Changing this setting to “Yes” disables
the DC output current control capabilities of the display board so an analog
device can be used to control the DC output current of the power controller with
a 0-5 VDC signal at terminals Ic+/Ic-.