3. Description
DEPOLOX® Pool Compact
3.7.2 pH sensor
The pH sensor consists of a pH combination
electrode. The glass electrode is the most
powerful sensor for pH measurement, with a
working range that covers almost the entire
pH spectrum. The pH-sensitive element is the
membrane made of special silicate glass, a
rounded tip at the lower end of the pH sensor.
The reference electrode is a silver/silver chlo-
ride electrode (Ag/AgCl) and, together with
the pH electrode, forms the measuring chain.
The reference electrode is the stable electrical
reference point for voltage measurement.
The electrolyte is a saturated potassium chlo-
ride solution. As the chloride concentration of
the electrolyte remains almost constant, the
potential of the reference electrode is also
constant. Salt rings as an additional salt depot
further increase the service life of the pH sen-
sor. A ceramic membrane permeable for the
electrolyte provides the electrical connection
to the measuring solution. This ceramic mem-
brane is particularly suitable for the treatment
of drinking water and water in swimming
pools and baths, as the electrolyte can only
flow slowly through the pores of the ceramic
pin, thus ensuring very long service life for the
entire measuring chain.
The pH sensor is plugged in an electrolyte con-
tainer with diluted electrolyte which protects
the sensitive membrane, keeps the membrane
moist and thus ensures that the measuring cell
is ready for immediate use. When the pH sen-
sor is not in use, for example during the winter,
we recommend storing it in the transport con-
tainer in diluted electrolyte.
3.7.3 OPR (Redox) sensor
The ORP sensor consists of a ORP combination
electrode. The ORP sensor consists of a glass
shaft with a platinum or gold tip fused into its
lower end.
Together with a silver/silver chloride electrode
(Ag/AgCl) as a reference electrode, it forms a
measuring chain. The task of the reference
electrode is to provide a constant potential
during potentiometric measurements. This
potential is measured against the potential of
the metal electrode. The electrolyte is a satura-
ted potassium chloride solution.
As the chloride concentration of the electro-
lyte remains almost constant, the potential of
the reference electrode is also constant. Salt
rings as an additional salt depot further
increase the service life of the ORP sensor.
A ceramic membrane permeable for the elec-
trolyte provides the electrical connection to
the measuring solution. This ceramic memb-
rane is particularly suitable for the treatment
of drinking water and water in swimming pools
and baths, as the electrolyte can only flow
slowly through the pores of the ceramic pin,
thus ensuring very long service life for the ent-
ire measuring chain.
The ORP sensor is plugged in an electrolyte
container with diluted electrolyte which pro-
tects the sensitive membrane, keeps the mem-
brane moist and thus ensures that the
measuring cell is ready for immediate use.
When the ORP sensor is not in use, for exam-
ple during the winter, we recommend storing it
in the transport container in diluted electro-
The following reference values apply for quick
and complete disinfection of the water in
swimming pools and baths:
3.7.4 Conductivity sensor
The conductivity sensor comprises a 4-elec-
trode system with integrated temperature
sensor. The shaft of the measuring cell is made
of epoxy, ensuring high durability. The electro-
des are made of graphite. The conductivity of
the medium is determined by means of vol-
tage and current measurement. The sensor is
ready for use. In preparation for winter, the
sensor must be flushed (e.g. with distilled
water) and can be stored dry. It is installed
either loose in a non-pressurized flow cell or
with a clamp connection in a pressurized flow
fresh water
pH 6.5 to 7.3
UG > 750 mV
pH 7.3 to 7.6
UG > 770 mV