TSMIP-10GE Series
IP Transport Stream Monitor
Revision 1.0
SDT Repetition:
This test checks that the SDT information which describes the services contained in a
particular Transport Stream is transmitted at least every 2 seconds on PID 0×0010.
SDT Error:
The SDT describes the services available to the viewer. It is split into sub-tables containing
details of the contents of the current TS (mandatory) and other TS (optional). Without the SDT, the IRD is
unable to give the viewer a list of what services are available. It is also possible to transmit a BAT on the
same PID, which groups services into “bouquets”.
EIT Repetition:
This test checks the EIT information that describes what is currently on and what will be
on next on each service in a particular Transport System. By default it is transmitted at least every 2
EIT Error:
The EIT (Event Information Table) describes what is on now and next on each service, and
optionally details the complete programming schedule. The EIT is divided into several sub-tables, with
only the “present and following’ information for the current TS being mandatory. The EIT schedule
information is only accessible if the TS is not scrambled.
RST Repetition:
This test checks that any two sections with table_id=0×71 (RST) occur on PID 0×0013
within 25 ms (or lower).
RST Error:
The RST is a quick updating mechanism for the status information carried in the EIT.
TDT repetition:
This test checks that any two sections with table_id=0×70 (RST) occur on PID 0×0014
within 25 ms (or lower).
TDT Error:
Sections with table_id=0×70 (TDT) not present on PID 0×0014 for more than 30 s. The TDT
carries the current UTC time and date information.
More information can be found at:
P3 ATSC Tables
MGT Repetition:
Master Guide Table. For each type of PSIP tables, the MGT provides the location in the
Transport stream, the current version of the table and the length in bytes. This test checks that the Master
Guide Table repetition rates do not exceed 150ms.
TVCT Repetition:
Terrestrial Virtual Channel Table. Consists of virtual channel definitions where each
channel is characterized by the two-part channel number that the user will use to access the service, its
text name, how the service is physically delivered, its MPEG-2 program_number, its “source ID” and the
type of service. This test checks the Terrestrial Virtual Channel table repetition rates do not exceed
CVCT Repetition:
Cable Virtual Channel Table. Consists of virtual channel definitions where each
channel is characterized by the two-part channel number that the user will use to access the service, its
text name, how the service is physically delivered, its text name, how the service is physically delivered, its
MPEG-2 program_number, its “source ID” and the type of service. This test checks the Cable Virtual
Channel Table repetition rates do not exceed 400ms.
EIT Repetition:
The PSIP table that carries program schedule information for each virtual channel, this
test checks the following is true:
EIT-0 Once every 0.5 seconds
EIT-1 Once every three seconds
EIT-2 and EIT3 Once every minutes