TSMIP-10GE Series
IP Transport Stream Monitor
Revision 1.0
4.3.6. TS Syntax Errors-P3
Figure 4-19 : VistaLINK
PRO Input Configuration -TS Syntax errors-P3
P3 DVB Tables
NIT Repetition:
This test checks that any two sections with table_id=0×40 (NIT_actual) occur on PID
0×0010 within a 25 ms.
NIT Error:
Network Information Tables (NITs) as defined by DVB contain information on frequency, code
rates, modulation and polarization etc. of various programs that the decoder can use. It is checked
whether NITs are present in the TS and whether they have the correct PID. The test checks that sections
with table_id 0×40 or 0×41 in PID value 0×0010 occur at least every 10 s.
Unreferenced PID:
Each non-private program data stream should have its PID listed in the PMTs. This
test detects the presence of a PID (other than PAT, CAT, CAT_PIDs, PMT_PIDs, NIT_PID, SDT_PID,
TDT_PID, EIT_PID, RST_PID, reserved for future use PIDs.