TSMIP-10GE Series
IP Transport Stream Monitor
Revision 1.0
4.3.8. Trigger Faults
The Trigger Control tab provides a user configurable custom configuration for the top-level alarm status
and Traps trigger. This can be used to provide quick visual overviews of the ETS TR 101 290 test status.
An operator would need to refer either the TS Syntax Error tabs and review the status LED’s, or the alarm
log to identify the test condition(s), which have triggered the alarm (status red).
Figure 4-21 : VistaLINK
PRO Input Configuration -Trigger Faults
The two window subsections, “Trigger Fault Enable” and “Trigger Fault Status”, permits the user to
customize the top-level alarms. By de-selecting, all levels are checked by default.
In the third window subsection there is a single fault called “TS Bitrate Enable”. This relates to the
Template Check tab and provides a summary alarm for the status of the maximum and minimum bitrates
that were configured. No alarm would be therefore implying that all the PIDs are within the configured
bandwidth limits defined by the user.