Network Controllers Manual
The Reset, alarm silence and trouble silence switches on the CM2ND
are functional in both the network and stand alone mode.
Reset - Resets CM2ND when in stand alone mode. Locally, CM2ND
reset uses a supervisory short response on zone xx97. In the network
mode, the CM2ND reset initiates a supervisory open on zone xx96 at
the CM1N / FCC.
Alarm Silence - Silences CM2ND audible zones when in stand alone
mode. Locally, CM2ND alarm silence uses a supervisory short
response on zone xx98. In the network mode, CM2ND alarm silence
initiates a supervisory open on zone xx95 at the CM1N / FCC. If the
alarm silence is toggled by a second press, a SUP OPEN xx94 will be
generated at the CM1N and drill/all call will activate.
Trouble Silence - Silences local CM2ND trouble buzzer.
Back - Reviews previously acknowledged off-normal conditions.
Next/Ack - Acknowledges currently displayed off-normal condition,
then displays next off-normal condition.
The lamp test function is initiated by pressing the alarm silence
and trouble silence switches simultaneously.
The CM2ND display provides for local alarm, supervisory open and
supervisory short conditions as well as all messages routed to it by the
IRC-3 network controller and other CM2N(D)’s when in the
regenerative mode. Multiple conditions will be buffered and
prioritized, and must be individually acknowledged at the CM2ND.
The Active Points (AP) counter indicates local CM2ND status only.
Configuration is dependent upon network requirements and design. All
CM2NDs have a CM2ND CPU card installed in connector P4.
Network communication specifications govern the type of
communications card installed in connector P3 of the CM2ND. Wiring
to the motherboard terminal strip TB1 is dependent on the type of
communications card installed, and may be found on the COMM-3 RS-
485/RS-232C communications card (P/N 130080) or the COMM-3S
serial communications card (P/N 130144).
Two option cards may be installed in the mother board, in connectors
P5 and P6. Details on option card programming and termination’s of
motherboard terminal strips TB2, TB3, and TB4 may be found on each
modules technical data sheet.