Not for commercial use – Ericsson Inc.
Some menus/features are operator dependent.
Calling Line Identification (CLI)
Shows the number of the person calling you in your
mobile phone display. You can then make an informed
choice as to whether or not to take the call. Bear in mind
that not all numbers can be displayed. To use this ser-
vice, it must be supported by your network.
Ciphering is a built-in feature that “scrambles” your calls
and messages to provide additional privacy. An exclama-
tion point next to the phone icon during a call indicates
that ciphering is currently not available from the service
Closed User Groups (CUG)
This feature limits outgoing calls to specified numbers.
This can be very useful when operators give lower rates
for specific groups. To use this service, it must be sup-
ported by your SIM.
DTMF or Touch Tone
Dual Tone Multi Frequency signal – codes sent as tone
signals. Used for telephone banking, for accessing an
answering machine, etc.
Fax Class
Standards for fax transmission are set as classes. Class I
and II allow data transfer speeds of between 2400 up to
9600 bps.
Fixed Dialing Numbers
Enables you to allow only numbers beginning with cer-
tain pre-defined figures to be dialed from your mobile
phone. The service is activated by PIN2. To use this ser-
vice, it must be supported by your SIM.
Enables you to forward calls to another number, for
example your voicemail or home phone.
Full Duplex
Both parties on the phone can talk at the same time
while using handsfree equipment.
GSM 1900
Also known as PCS 1900, is a digital network working
on a frequency of 1900 MHz. It is used in the United
States, Canada, and some Latin American countries.
An important safety feature for mobile phones that
allows drivers to use their car phone without lifting or
holding the handset to their ear.