ELite 3, User Manual
Page 51/72
To be able to run specific samples, and to see stability or variation of parameters, it is
necessary to define a reference material for the software. This is going to be the
basis for Quality Control. The idea is to enter these so-called expected or target
values, and save everyday repeated runs of the same material in a separate
database so that these values can be compared to the reference data.
Reference values arrive with the control material. The manufacturer recommends
using Erba Hematology Control with the analyzer.
The assay value sheet contains all necessary parameters for the control material.
Quality control / Reference
Use Prev and Next to browse among
Press Accept to save data.
Press Cancel to discard changes and return
to the previous menu.
Enter the values as defined on the assay value sheet of the control material.
In case you want to omit the trend analysis of a parameters, define 0 (zero) as target
and range values.
This option puts you to the measurement screen and sets up the parameters for
Control Blood measurement. Put the sample in the sample holder and press the
START button. When analysis is complete, you will have to accept the results.
Quality control / Measure
The software saves all results automatically
to the selected QC lot database.
Press Discard to remove data from QC
Exit returns to the QC menu
QC Diagram displays the trends of parameters with respect to time. The screen will
show two parameters at a time.