ELite 3, User Manual
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Warning flags
Analyzer SW displays warning flags for each individual measurement to notify user
about status of results. The following table summarizes warning flags and gives
explanation of their possible cause and a few hints to overcome the problem.
Recommended user action
No WBC 3-part
Possible lyse problem. May occur in pathological lymphocytosis.
HGB blank is high, or no
HGB blank
Repeat the blank measurement. If HGB blank is not stable there are
probably bubbles in the WBC chamber: Run a cleaning and try blank
again. Close the side door if open during measurement.
WBC blank is high, or no
WBC blank
Repeat the blank measurement, or run prime lyse and try blank again.
Possible lyse contamination, or noise problem.
linearity range exceeded
in WBC stage
The analyzer found that the cell count is higher than the linearity range of
the analyzer. Make a pre-dilution, and run the same sample in pre-diluted
RBC cells found in
sample during WBC
RBC cells were detected during the WBC measurement. Either the lyse
reagent is not effective enough (volume should be increased) or the
RBC’s in the sample are somewhat lyse resistive
WBC 3-part warning
Probably large PLTs or clumped PLTs are present in the sample. Usually
caused by the nature of the sample. cat and goat samples tend to clump.
Intensive, but careful mixing of the sample (e.g. Vortex) can help remove
the clumps. If the rerun sample gives the same results, consider that
WBC and NEU values seem higher because of the clumps. Lyse
modification can’t solve the problem.
RBC-WBC limit warning Typically insufficiently lysed RBC’s interfere with the start of the WBC
histogram. Repeating the measurement with an increased lyse volume
should provide better separation. If the repeated run reports very similar
results then the MON and NEU results are VALID but the WBC and LYM
results may be higher because of interfering RBCs.
WBC clogging
Aperture clogging. Perform cleaning and repeat the measurement. If it is
a general problem, please contact your Service Personnel.
Low temperature reagents can cause it as well (mainly diluent), in this
case you will have to wait until they reach room temperature.
Table 4. Summary of warning flags related to WBC/HGB