VGADVI Recorder Pro User
Configuration groups
Conference breakout session and keynote presets
The company creates one preset per session and one for the keynote. Each preset includes all the files and
everything needed to recreate a custom channel configured with the layouts and backgrounds needed for the
They upload these presets at the beginning of the conference and apply the correct one prior to each
conference session starting. When they apply the preset, all other preset groups remain unchanged; the
preset only affects the channel(s) and their configuration. This preset includes a channel the background file
and has metadata specifying the speaker's name.
Session 1 preset
has the presenter data
and background image for
session 1.
Session 2 preset
has the presenter data
and background image for
session 2.
Note that after applying a preset, files from the previous session remain present on the system and continue
to upload via sftp (if not yet complete), but the channels reflect the newly loaded session's background file
name and presenter name.
Configuration presets are a versatile tool to help you use VGADVI Recorder Pro in a variety of conditions. Try it
yourself and see!
Configuration groups
The following table describes what settings are saved with each configuration group.