VGADVI Recorder Pro User
Tether to a mobile network
cannot be blank unless you are using DCHP. Specify the system’s IP address if you
don’t have a default gateway on your network.
DNS Server
The domain name system server (DNS server) translates human-readable hostnames
into corresponding IP addresses. Specify the system’s IP address if you don’t have a
DNS server on your network. This value cannot be blank unless you are using DHCP.
MTU Size
The maximum transmission unit (MTU) specifies the maximum packet size for
transfer on the network. The default value is 1500, which is the largest value allowed
by Ethernet at the network layer. It’s best if all nodes in your network use the same
value, so only change this value if you know other nodes use a different value.
Tether to a mobile network
The VGADVI Recorder Pro supports tethering to a mobile device via USB. Tethered networking can work side-
by-side with Ethernet routing and either networking system can be a back-up for the other.
When the system falls over to the backup network type (i.e. from Ethernet to mobile, or vice
versa) all streaming sessions with clients or servers directly connected to the system are closed
and the clients will need to reconnect. You may need to provide a new stream URL (containing the
new IP address) to your viewers. See the channel information page to get the new stream URL.
By contrast, actively published streams are closed and reconnected via the secondary network
(mobile or Ethernet) automatically, permitted the required publishing server is accessible from the
new network.
To configure tethering to a mobile network:
1. Configure the mobile device to allow tethering via USB.
2. Connect the mobile device to the VGADVI Recorder Pro with a USB cable.
3. Login to the Admin panel as
4. Select the
link in the Configuration menu; the network configuration page opens.
5. Click the drop-down box next to
Use phone/tablet connection
in the USB phone/tablet section; the
following choices appear: