VGADVI Recorder Pro User
Description / Options
Filename prefix
Specifies how the recordings are named. Recording files start with the given prefix
followed by the date and time. The channel or recorder name is used if no prefix is
given. Allowed characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, , #, -, [], ().
Automatic file
Select this if you want this channel or recorder to be part of any scheduled automatic
uploads. (See
for information on automatic uploads.)
Share via UPnP
Select this if you want this channel or recorder to be available via UPnP. If global UPnP
is not enabled when you select this checkbox, a link appears to let you to fix it. Click the
link and click
to make the global UPnP change save your recording configuration
If you've chosen MP4 as your file type, the file is initially saved as
MP4 Fragmented
, and at the
end of the recording is converted to regular
(also know as MP4 Progressive) format. If the
system loses power during recording or before the conversion completes, the file is preserved but
remains in MP4 fragmented format. Simply run the file through ffmpeg or another transcoder,
preserving both audio and video output to convert to progressive format.