Mac OS X VGA2Ethernet user interface
VGA2Ethernet User Guide
On these download pages you will find the most recent version of this VGA2Ethernet
User Guide
and the most recent release of the Epiphan device driver, QuickTime
component and VGA2Ethernet application compatible with MacOS X.
Starting the Mac OS X VGA2Ethernet user interface
Before starting the VGA2Ethernet user interface the device must be connected to the
same network as the video capture workstation. The device should also be connected
to power.
Start the VGA2Ethernet user interface as you would any other application installed on
the video capture workstation.
As the application starts the message Capture Device not Found appears on the
VGA2Ethernet user interface window.
Select Open Network Grabber from the File menu.
Select the arrow beside the Network Address box to open the list of
networked devices.
Select a device and select connect.
The following messages may appear in the capture window.
Detecting Video Mode as the VGA2Ethernet user interface starts up and
attempts to connect with the frame grabber.
Tuning Capture Parameters if the VGA2Ethernet user interface finds the
frame grabber and begins synchronizing and tuning capture settings and
image adjustments
No Signal Detected if the VGA2Ethernet user interface cannot connect with
the frame grabber or if the frame grabber is not connected to an active video