Windows VGA2Ethernet User Interface
VGA2Ethernet User Guide
resume displaying captured images and resume
recording or web broadcasting.
Select device
If you have more than one VGA2Ethernet device
connected to the network, you can use Select
Device or the key combination Ctrl+D to choose the
device that the VGA2Ethernet user interface
receives captured images from. The command finds
and lists all of the VGA2Ethernet devices on your
network. The list displays the serial number, device
type, captured image resolution and frequency
(status) and location of each device. You can also
use this command to select the device to configure
with the Configure Device command.
If a viewer’s password has been added to the
device, the device’s status is listed as protected in
the select device list and you must enter the viewer’s
password to connect to the device. See Adding or
Changing the Viewer’s Password.
Connect network device
Enter or select the IP address of a VGA2Ethernet
device on the network. Use this option or the key
combination Ctrl+N instead of Select Device to
connect to a device if you know its IP address. You
can also use this option to attempt to connect to a
device that does not appear in the select device list.
Disconnect current device.
Recent network devices
Displays a list of recently viewed devices.
Enable audio capture
Allows capturing audio. You can also use the key
combination Ctrl+A.
Audio input device
Select device where an audio signal is captured