User Manual | Entegris, Inc.
Shell Assembly
1. Visually inspect the shell surface—focusing especially
on the surfaces inside the mini environment—for
cracks, scratches, and evidence of chemical attack
such as crazing or pitting. Surface defects in the
plastic can make cleaning difficult and be a potential
source of particles sloughing off the surface of the
plastic. Crazing on the outside of the shells should
not significantly impact pod performance or lifetime.
Chemical attack/splash
Crazing on outside of shell—note how shallow the cracks are
2. Visually inspect for chipped and broken edges.
Focus on the knife edge where the door seals
and the bottom of the shell.
3. Visually inspect the CHD for warpage or improper
installation. There will be no gap between the CHD
and the shell in a proper installation. See the picture
below for an improperly installed CHD.
Cassette Hold Down (CHD) gap
4. Inspect the waferlock to ensure that all parts are
present (two PEEK screws, frame, two pivots,
waferlock, wheel). Check that the waferlock is
properly attached to both pivots and that the wheel
is properly seated.
Waferlock components