Doc.-ID: COM6000_11022020_EN
Dear Customer,
Thank you for selecting the COMTEC
6000 as your InSitu Flue Gas Oxygen/Combustibles (CO
) measuring system.
Since 1980 our analyzer systems have been operating in numerous applications with tens of thousands of units being produced
and shipped worldwide. ENOTEC is committed to absolute quality and performance and over time we have continuously en-
hanced our products to integrate various features and functions.
In this package, the electronic unit uses the very latest Microprocessor Technology, making the SME5 electronic unit one of the
most advanced and up-to-date monitoring units, permitting you to reduce your maintenance & fuel costs and to achieve in-
creased measuring accuracy with operational reliability.
6000 is a unique O
und CO
analyzer system for reliable InSitu measurement and analysis in flue and process
gases which enables a redundant measurement of Oxygen and combustibles with high accuracy. The installed MXP sensor
measures not only CO but also all other combustibles (hydrocarbons and hydrogen) present. This one of a kind analyzer system
is the ideal flue gas analyzer for all fuels such as coal, oil, gas and also waste products of all kinds.
All ENOTEC instruments are thoroughly tested in the factory and are subject to a strict ISO9001 Quality Assurance Procedure.
Therefore, with the correct installation, the operation of the COMTEC
6000 is straightforward and user friendly and will
provide you with many years of trouble free operation with perfect measuring results.
Symbols used in this Manual
The symbols below are found attached to the COMTEC® 6000 system and in this manual. They emphasize important
information as well as safety instructions for installation, operation and maintenance, to protect the personnel and the
Follow all instructions of this manual
Consider Information
Points out important information which must be
considered before execution
Warning hot Surface
Warns of danger of burns which could occur from
hot system parts
Contains further detailed information
Warns of risks of destroying the system or its
components or its functionality
Ground earth electrical protection
The contents of this manual are protected by copyright. Alterations and errors reserved.
Safety Instructions
This system is operated with line voltage. If covers are removed during which line voltage is still connected, an electric shock
hazard will occur.
Only well trained and authorized personnel are allowed to conduct work on this system. Personnel have to understand all
precautions, safety instructions, installation and maintenance instructions in this manual. The trouble free and safe operation of
this system requires safe transportation, professional storage, installation, operation and maintenance.
Furthermore, all local safety requirements have to be considered.
This system may not be used in the vicinity of combustible gases as parts of the system may cause a risk of explosion.
The device may only be put into operation if the enclosed instructions have been fully understood.
This manual is also available in other languages on request.