TEC/TEM owner manual
Figure 2.1.2
Figure 2.1.1
2.1.1 Economic savings
Default display is “cumulative money
saved”. Below is an example of the
display (see figure 2.1.1). The sigma
symbol (
) indicates “cumulative”,
meaning that the value being displayed
is the total from the time that the
appliance was commissioned. The
piggy bank (
) indicates money
savings. The value ($392.8 in figure
2.1.1) is the amount saved to date,
based on the amount of energy delivered by the appliance multiplied by the fuel
rate for the auxiliary water tank (see section 3.3.3). Press the down button to
view the money savings for other time periods.
2.1.2 Carbon dioxide offset
Pressing the up button from
cumulative money saved will display
“daily carbon dioxide offset” (see figure
2.1.2). This is the amount of carbon
dioxide (CO
) – in tonnes or tons,
depending on units of measure chosen
(see section 3.2) – not emitted into the
atmosphere because the water was
heated by solar energy instead of a
fossil fuel. Your pre-existing or previous
water heater uses/used fossil fuels or
electricity (which is normally generated
using a mix of fossil fuels) to heat water.
is produced by burning fossil fuels. The CO
value is based on the
amount of energy produced by the appliance and the fuel type for the auxiliary
water tank (see section 3.3.4), and represents the amount of CO
prevented by displacing the burning of fossil fuels. Figure 2.1.2 is an example of
what the screen looks like (using tonnes as the unit of measurement) after a
day’s worth of energy is produced by the system.
Pressing the up button again will show monthly (
) carbon dioxide
offset; press again for yearly (
), and once more for cumulative (