TEC/TEM owner manual
Figure 3.3.5a
Figure 3.3.5b
Pressing the enter button after entering a value for all ten sources will
move on to configuring the amount of water required to generate electricity.
Information on your generation mix can be obtained from your local government
or via the EnerWorks Web site.
3.3.5 Water required for electricity generation
The production of electricity
requires water. In order to calculate the
amount of water saved by displacing
electricity generation, an average value
for the volume to generate one kWh of
electricity needs to be defined. This
value is used along with the amount of
energy delivered (see section 2.1.1) to
give the amount of water saved by
displacing electricity generation (see
section 2.1.4). Water required for
electricity generation is the volume of
water that is not used because of the amount of electricity that is offset by the
EnerWorks Solar Water Heating Appliance.
There are two screens involved for this setup. The first one will ask for
the preference of units (either litres or US gallons). Pressing the up or down
button will switch between “L” and “US gal”.
Pressing the enter button after
selecting units will move on to the next
screen that allows entering a value for
how much water is needed to produce a
kWh (3 US gal/kWh is the default). For
a list of values for your area, visit the
EnerWorks Web site.
Pressing the enter button after
setting the value will return to the
outputs menu.