TEC/TEM owner manual
Pressing the enter button will proceed to setting up the default units of
3.2 Default units of measurement
There are two choices for default units: US customary and metric (SI).
This will affect all outputs and inputs on the controller, so if you already have
your settings the way you like them, you can select “n.c.” (no change) and the
defaults will not be restored. The default will display “S.I.” on the screen, and
pressing the up or down button will cycle between this, “U.S.”, and “n.c.”. Press
the enter button to accept and move on to fuel selection for the auxiliary heating
As the inputs that follow are configured, the units can be changed to
whichever is preferred if “no change” wasn’t selected.
3.3 Auxiliary fuel
So that a household is never without hot water, a backup or “auxiliary”
tank must be in place in case there is not enough solar energy to meet the hot
water demand of the household. The four major fuels for water-heating in North
America are electricity, natural gas, propane, and oil.
3.3.1 Fuel type
There are four fuels available to select from for the auxiliary heating fuel:
electricity, natural gas, propane, and oil, represented by the icons above,
respectively. All four are available for the EnerWorks High Performance
Appliance, but only electricity is available for the Space-Saver™ Appliance.
The default fuel is electricity. For the High Performance Appliance, the up
or down button will toggle between the four icons along with the associated
default units. These units are likely used for billing purposes by the utility that
supplies the fuel.
The defaults units are:
kWh for electricity
m³ or 1000 ft³ for natural gas
L or US gal for propane and oil