Levelflex FMP55 HART
16.1.4 Remote display FHX50
Remote display FHX50
• Material:
– Plastic PBT
– 316L/1.4404
– Aluminum
• Degree of protection: IP68 / NEMA 6P and IP66 / NEMA 4x
• Suitable for display modules:
– SD02 (push buttons)
– SD03 (touch control)
• Connecting cable:
– Cable supplied with device up to 30 m (98 ft)
– Standard cable supplied by customer up to 60 m (196 ft)
• Ambient temperature range: –40 to 80 °C (–40 to 176 °F)
• Ambient temperature range (option): –50 to 80 °C (–58 to 176 °F)
• If the remote display should be used, order the device version "Prepared for display FHX50" (feature 030, version
L, M or N). For the FHX50, you must select option A: "Prepared for display FHX50" under feature 050 "Measuring
device version".
• If the device version "Prepared for display FHX50" was not originally ordered and a FHX50 display is to be
retrofitted, you must select version B "Not prepared for display FHX50" under feature 050: "Measuring device
version" when ordering the FHX50. In this case, a retrofit kit for the device is supplied with the FHX50. The kit
can be used to prepare the device so that the FHX50 can be used.
Use of the FHX50 may be restricted for transmitters with an approval. A device can only be retrofitted with the
FHX50 if the option L, M or N ("Prepared for FHX50") is listed under
Basic specifications
, item 4 "Display, operation"
in the Safety Instructions (XA) for the device.
Also pay attention to the Safety Instructions (XA) of the FHX50.
Retrofitting is not possible on transmitters with:
• An approval for use in areas with flammable dust (dust ignition-proof approval)
• Ex nA type of protection
For details, see document SD01007F.
This range is valid if option JN "Ambient temperature transmitter –50 °C (–58 °F)" has been selected in ordering feature 580 "Test, Certificate". If
the temperature is permanently below –40 °C (–40 °F), failure rates may be increased.