Emergency treatment
Contingency processing
Unable to start
If the correct starting procedure is followed, but the vehicle is still not
started, please consider the following reasons:
» The power battery has run out of power.
» The drive motor has failed.
If the powertrain has no power output during driving, the following
operations shall be performed:
» Move the car to safety.
» Turn on the hazard warning light.
» Try restarting the vehicle.
If the vehicle cannot be restarted, it needs to be adjusted or repaired. It
is recommended to contact RAP's authorized service station.
If the vehicle is trapped
If the vehicle is trapped in sand, mud or snow, please carry out the
following operations:
» Turn the ignition switch to "OFF", pull up the parking brake handle.
» Clean up mud, snow or sand trapped around the tires.
» Place wooden blocks, stones or other materials to help strengthen
friction of tire.
» Restart the vehicle, accelerate it carefully and get it out of the pit.
If you can't get the vehicle out by using the above method, you need to
try pushing the vehicle forward and backward to get it out of the pit.