1592010880 XWEB3000_5000 EVO OPR GB r1.0 2014.11.28
The ENA status can be activated with a delay, set with parameter DELAY. The above assumed logic
continues to always be met and returns the TRUE value. The block status, from the moment in which the
logic is met at the end of the delay time, assumes the DLY value.
The ENA status can be maintained with a maximum time set with parameter DURATION. After this time, the
block status switches from ENA to DUR.
Choose the "Create" menu. We will create an ODC that sends the reduced set-point command. The normal
work set is increased by a few degrees by this command and is sent to 2 walls.
Enter an appropriate name under "ODC name". From the device type filter, select the category to be
. Select the tools and go to "available commands". In our example we have activated the “energy
saving ON” command.
Fill in the "ODS Active Label" and the "ODS Not Active Label". These labels are used should you decide to
assign a "Monitoring type" rule that enables the XWEB-EVO system to recognise the effective sending of the
The possibility of entering notes that can be subsequently used to understand the meaning of the logic block
being created can be very useful.
Choose the "Create" menu. We will create an ELS that ties the two blocks so far realised. The ELS acts as a
filter combining the input (generator status) and the output (command sending to utilities).
Enter an appropriate name under "ELS name". This block allows for the linking of the SDCs to the ODSs.
The user can create multiple functional blocks, linking only those used for the project in question. The other
blocks can be used in other projects.