1592010880 XWEB3000_5000 EVO OPR GB r1.0 2014.11.28
The alarm configuration is accessed from the MENU
Management. Access to the page allows for the customisation of the alarm categories and notification
parameters: The XWEB-EVO uses this information to detect the alarms from the controllers and notify their
status to the users in the book.
Principles of operation
The XWEB-EVO detects the present controller alarms in an alarm-category. Once the device alarm has been
detected, the system confirms this after a certain period of time (see Delay parameter, "alarm category
parameters"). Upon alarm confirmation, the first level users are also notified. If the alarm persists, other
notifications may be sent to the same recipients (see re-send time, "alarm level parameters"). If the alarm
persists beyond the maximum time permitted to the level (see re-send life time, level parameters), the level
shifts, sending the subsequent notifications to the recipients of the subsequent level. The alarm recovery is
also normally notified: there are many parameters that can be used to customise notifications according to
your requirements; these will be individually described in the following pages.
Above, an example of alarm notification with a PDF file, included as an attachment in the new alarm
notification mail.