1592010880 XWEB3000_5000 EVO OPR GB r1.0 2014.11.28
To create a new (type of) day, access the menu “Edit Days
New day definition”. The system requests the
configuration of the following image window parameters
It is necessary to indicate the name of the (type of) day, e.g. "weekend", and give it a colour for recognition.
The colour will be important for visual recognition on the calendar.
The "Enabled" parameter indicates whether the events configured on the day are active. The "Yearly"
parameter indicates whether the day is to be associated - to all years - for operations of association to
calendar. Attention: once the day has been created, the "Yearly" parameter can no longer be modified.
To modify the existing day types, select the day to be modified from the menu Days
and then access the
menu “Edit Days
Modify Current Day...”. To delete the current day, access the menu “Edit Days
To associate the days on the calendar, access the menu “Edit Days
Calendar Association”. To associate
the days, click on the day and select the (type of) day desired. It is also possible to associate the (type of)
day on week days by clicking the name in the red band, e.g. apply the day "weekend" to all Sundays.