1592010880 XWEB3000_5000 EVO OPR GB r1.0 2014.11.28
Access the system from your PC by entering the XWEBEVO IP in the browser address bar. With a direct
local connection [screen, mouse and keyboard], this operation is not required, simply switch on the screen.
The user will be directed to the "login" page. From which all users will consistently have access to the
system's user interface.
Enter Username and Password to access the system. If the entered details are correct the homepage is
loaded, otherwise repeat the operation. Pay attention to the presence of alphanumeric characters or capital
letters in the password.
You can only connect to a system being accessed for the first time, which has just completed the "initial
wizard" procedure, with:
Username: Admin
Password Admin
change this password as soon as possible; anyone can read this manual and come into
possession of the access details. Icon
may appear bottom-right. It represents the case in which the
XWEBEVO is already operational and an alarm has been detected (e.g. high temperature). It will be
necessary to login with a valid username and password to be able to recognise the type of alarm and to
analyse the system situation. The alarm icon does not automatically assume that the XWEBEVO has
activated the relay outputs (e.g. to pilot an alarm siren) nor that someone has been notified of the alarm. This
depends on how the administrator has decided to configure the XWEBEVO.
may appear bottom-left. It represents cases in which access to the user interface by non-
administrator users has been blocked. This block is normally executed to indicate a system maintenance
operation by a specialised operator.