1592010880 XWEB3000_5000 EVO OPR GB r1.0 2014.11.28
Click on menu “TOOLS
Devices Line Test” to access the test page of the communication with the
setup devices.
Access to the window shows the statistics table on the communication with the configured tools. Each device
has been represented in columns:
Device: device name
Success(%): successful communication total percentage
Time Out(%): errors for Time Out percentage. This type of error occurs in cases in which the device
is switched off or not reachable
Exception(%): errors for exception percentage. This type of error occurs when the device is
reachable, but there are inconsistencies between the configuration of its parameters and that shown
on the XWEB-EVO
Crc-Error(%): CRC error percentage. This type of error occurs when the device can be reached, but
there are problems on the line such as interferences.
Overrun(%): percentage errors for packages in transit but not expected. This type of error occurs
when the device can be reached, but there are problems on the line such as interferences.
Unknown(%): percentage of others detected, different from those reported in previous rows.
Example: equality or other errors.
The table enables sorting by column. It is advisable to press "Success(%)" to easily identify the addresses of
the most problematic devices.
The table does not automatically refresh but it can be manually updated by pressing "Reload media".
The statistics can be reset with the keys "Selected" and "All".
Identification of device configuration errors:
Should a tool show exception errors, it is possible to ask the system to run a new specific test for the tool, so
that it detects the most problematic sizes. The following example demonstrates the identification of a tool
with a certain percentage of exceptions, but no other type of communication error:
It is selected to execute the test. The "test cycle" value identifies the number of readings that will be carried
out for each device resource.
After having pressed "Start test", the configured variable that does not respond is displayed, i.e. Pb3 which is
not enabled by the tool parameters.