CM-2201 Programming
©2015 Nelson Heat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev. 2
7.3.3 Change Password
This selection allows the user to change the default pass-
word. The user is prompted to enter the old password, press
[ENTER]. If verified, the user is then able to enter the new
password, press [ENTER]. The user is prompted to re-enter
the new password. By not entering a password and pressing
[ENTER], the controller assumes no password.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: Any combination of 2 to 16 characters 0 – 9,
A – Z.
3. Default: 1234
7.3.4 Units
This selection determines the unit of measure for
temperature values. All temperatures are displayed in the
selected units of either Celsius degrees (°C) or Fahrenheit
degrees (°F).
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: Celsius, Fahrenheit
3. Default: Celsius
7.3.5 Operational Costs
This value sets the cost per kWh of electrical power. This
is used to calculate energy costs for operating this control
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: $0.01 to 1.00
3. Default: $0.05
7.3.6 Display Mode
This selection determines what messages are displayed by
the controller for operations personnel. If set to “advanced
user”, all messages are displayed. If set to “normal user,”
only the basic messages are displayed. Each message listed
throughout this manual shows the Display Mode required
to see the message. “Advanced only” indicates that the
display mode must be set to “advanced user” to view the
1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: Normal, Advanced
3. Default: Advanced
7.3.7 Default Display
This function specifies the information that will be
displayed when no key has been pressed for the Display
Timeout interval as described below.
System status
Alarm status of all the
Heater status
Alarm status of the
Heater temp
Temperature of the
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: System Status, Heater Status, Heater Temp
3. Default: system status
4. Restrictions: Temperature messages are not
displayed if Maintain Temperature is set to Off.
7.3.8 Display Timeout
This function sets the length of time from the last key press
to automatically return to the Default Display information.
Selecting “Off’ disables this function.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: 5 to 600 seconds, Off
3. Default: 120 seconds
7.3.9 Modbus Address
This selection sets a unique address to ensure only one
CM-2201 attempts communications with the master unit
at any time. See Section 8.0 for complete information on
Modbus communications.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: 1 to 255 to accommodate multiple devices on
same network.
3. Default: 1
7.3.10 Baud Rate
Sets the communication baud rate for the RS485 serial port.
All controllers connected to the same data highway must
operate on the same baud rate.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
3. Default: 9600