CM-2201 Programming
©2015 Nelson Heat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev. 2
7.0 Programming
7.1 Program - Setpoints
7.1.1 Setpoint Value
This message displays the name of the sub-menu when
1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: N/A
3. Default: N/A
7.1.2 Maintain Temp
This value sets the control setpoint temperature for
all operating modes. For On-Off control, the circuit is
energized if the control temperature is less than the
maintain temperature minus the deadband. The circuit is
de-energized if the control temperature is greater than the
maintain temperature plus the deadband. If maintain temp
is set to None then the heater circuit will have temperature
monitoring with no control temperature. If the maintain
temp is set to Off then the heater circuit will have no
temperature monitoring or control.
1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: -50°C to 500°C, none or -58°F to +932°F,
none, Off
3. Default: 10°F or 50°F
7.1.3 Low Temp Alarm
This value sets the Low Temperature Alarm setpoint. It
must be less than the maintain temperature minus the
Deadband. To disable this alarm set the value to “Off’.
When the measured temperature of either RTD A or RTD
B (if activated) is less than or equal to this setpoint, the
Low Temperature Alarm is activated and a “LOW TEMP
ALARM” message is added to the alarm stack. This alarm
deactivates when the temperature rises above the alarm
setpoint value.
1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: -50C to Maintain Temperature, Off, -58°F to
Maintain Temperature, Off
3. Default: 5°C or 41°F
4. Restrictions: Message does not exist if Maintain
Temperature is set to Off.
7.1.4 High Temp Alarm
This value sets the High Temperature Alarm setpoint.
It must be greater than the maintain temperature plus
deadband. To disable this alarm set the value to “Off”.
When the measured temperature of either RTD A or RTD B
(if activated) is greater than or equal to this setpoint, the
High Temperature Alarm is activated and a “HIGH TEMP
ALARM” message is added to the alarm stack. The alarm
deactivates when the temperature falls below this alarm
1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: Maintain Temperature to +500°C, Off,
Maintain Temperature to +932°F, Off
3. Default: Off
4. Restrictions: Message does not exist if Maintain
Temperature is set to Off.
7.1.5 Low Current Alarm
This value sets the Low Current Alarm setpoint. It must be
less than the high current alarm setpoint. To disable this
alarm set the value to “Off’. When the heater current is
less than or equal to this setpoint, the Low Current Alarm
is activated and a “LOW CURRENT ALARM” message is
added to the alarm stack. The alarm deactivates when
the Heater Current rises above this alarm setpoint. Note:
This setpoint is based on the heater at 100% power. If
Proportional Control or Current Limiting is enabled, all
current measurements will be scaled to 100% power, based
on a constant resistive load, before being compared to the
alarm setpoint.
1. Display Mode: All
2. Range: 0.1A to High Current Alarm, Off
3. Default: Off
7.1.6 High Current Alarm
This value sets the High Current Alarm setpoint. It must
be greater than the low current alarm setpoint. To disable
this alarm set the value to “Off’. When the heater current
is greater than or equal to this setpoint, the High Current
Alarm is activated and a “HIGH CURRENT ALARM” message
is added to the alarm stack. The alarm deactivates when
the heater current falls below this alarm setpoint. This
setpoint is based on the heater at 100% power.