CM-2201 Programming
©2015 Nelson Heat Tracing Systems GA2497 Rev. 2
7.2.3 Heater ID
This selection allows for user defined Heater Identification.
It provides a unique, identifiable tag or label for each heater
circuit. The Heater Name allows up to 20 alphanumeric
characters which are entered one at a time from left
to right. The cursor indicates which character is being
selected. Press the [SELECT UP/DOWN] arrow keys to change
the character. Move to the next character by pressing [NEXT]
arrow. Press [ENTER] in the last character position to save
the Heater ID.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: 20 Characters
3. Default: Blank
7.2.4 Manual Override
This selection sets the response of the heater circuit to the
Override inputs. The Override inputs respond to contact
closure. If the Override is set to “Off”, the override inputs
are ignored and control of the heater circuit operates
normally based on the measured temperature and maintain
temperature setpoint. If the Override is set to “On”, an open
contact on the override inputs forces the heater Off.
When the contact on the override input is closed, the heater
control resumes in normal manner.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: On, Off
3. Default: Off
7.2.5 Deadband
The Deadband is defined as the difference between the
setpoint temperature and the actual maximum temperature
that is ideally allowed in excess of the setpoint temperature.
Decreasing the deadband increases the temperature control
accuracy but also increases the heater switching frequency.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: 1 °C to 5 °C, 1 °F to 10 °F
3. Default: 2 °C or 5 °F
4. Note: Deadband is disabled for Proportional Control
7.2.6 Control Type
This selection determines the type of control method used
by the controller: either On-Off (Deadband), or Proportional
Control. The On-Off control mode is available for all heating
devices. Proportional Control mode is only available for
series type heating devices.
Proportional Control should never be selected
for use with self-regulating heating cable types due to
the constantly changing characteristics of self-regulating
cables – this will cause the control to be unstable. Further,
the continual cycling associated with Proportional Control
can result in internal heating of the cable and lead to
reduced life expectancy.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: On-Off, Proportional
3. Default: On-Off
4. Selection does not exist if Maintain Temperature is
set to Off.
7.2.7 Current Limiting
This selection sets the maximum average current limit
allowed for the heater circuit. It is useful for reducing the
power output of constant wattage heaters. The load will be
turned on for a period of time, then turned off for a period of
time to maintain the average current draw to the value set.
1. Display Mode: Advanced
2. Range: 0.5 to 30.0 A, Off
3. Default: Off
4. Note: The value range is in 0.5A increments.
7.2.8 Soft Start Mode
This function ramps the heater output from Off to nominal
current of the heater over the set softstart cycle time. It
is useful for reducing inrush currents of self-regulating
heaters. At the end of the soft start cycle time, the load will
no longer be controlled by the soft start function.
1. Display: Advanced
2. Range: 10 to 999 seconds, Off
3. Default: Off