32 Chapter 6 Parameter Description
EV3200 Door Control Inverter User Manual
12, 13: Normally open/closed input for CD speed decrease
In CD process under speed control, the inverter starts low
speed operation in ending phase after the normally
open/closed input for CD speed decrease is enabled.
14: Terminal for inputting OD prohibition signal
OD command will not be executed if this signal is enabled.
15: Terminal for inputting torque maintaining prohibition
In CD/OD torque maintaining process, the inverter will
maintain the 0 torque if this signal is enabled.
16: Low speed OD/CD enabling signal input
If this signal is enabled, the motor operates at low speed
according to the speed set by F3.00.
17/18: Normally open/closed input for lock signal
19: EFS signal input
When this signal is activated, OD is prohibited, and the door
closes at the high speed set by F2.12.
20: Rush hour operation enable signal input
When the signal is activated, the OD speed and CD speed
are the speeds set by F1.05 and F2.05 respectively.
21: Operation enable signal input
when X5 is not set to 21, the door is controlled by the
external door control signals.
When X5 is set to 21:
If X5 is valid, external door control is enabled.
If X5 signal is invalid, the inverter will stop immediately
when in operation state, and does not respond when
in stopping state.
22: Door width auto-learning command input
Under terminal control mode (F0.02=2), when X5 is set to
If F4.05=1 and X5 terminal input command is valid,
door width auto-learning will start.
If F4.05=0 and X5 terminal input command is valid,
door width auto-learning will not start.
F5.05 Function of programmable relay
output PA1/PC1
Setting range: 0 ~ 11
F5.06 Function of programmable relay
output PA2/PC2
Setting range: 0 ~ 11
F5.07 Function of programmable relay
output PA3/PB3/PC3
Setting range: 0 ~ 11
Functions of programmable relay are shown in Table 6-2.
Table 6-2 Relay output functions
Output signal 0 for
complete OD
Fault relay output 1
Output signal 0 for
complete CD
Fault relay output 2
Output signal 1 for
complete OD
Safety edge lift signal
Output signal 1 for
complete CD
Lock signal synchronous
Output signal 2 for
complete OD
Re-opening signal
Output signal 2 for
complete CD
Obstruction signal
0: Output signal 0 for complete OD
In OD process, when the inverter receives OD position
limiting signal or when the pulse count number reaches the
OD position limit, the relay will activate to output OD
complete signal.
Complete OD signal is disabled in demo mode,
general-purpose inverter operation mode and CD process.
1: Output signal 0 for complete CD
In CD process, when the inverter receives CD position
limiting signal or when the pulse count number reaches the
CD position limit, the relay will activate to output CD
complete signal.
The complete CD signal is disabled in demo mode,
general-purpose inverter operation mode and OD process.
2: Output signal 1 for complete OD
In OD process, when the inverter receives OD position
limiting signal or when the pulse count number reaches the
OD position limit, and at the same time the inverter torque
reaches the setting of F1.10, the relay will activate to output
OD complete signal.
The complete OD signal is disabled in demo mode,
general-purpose inverter operation mode and CD process.
3: Output signal 1 for complete CD
In CD process, when the inverter receives CD position
limiting signal or when the pulse count number reaches the
CD position limit, and at the same time the inverter torque
reaches the setting of F2.10, the relay will activate to output
CD complete signal.
The complete CD signal is disabled in demo mode,
general-purpose inverter operation mode and OD process.
4: Output signal 2 for complete OD
In OD process, when the inverter receives OD position
limiting signal or when the pulse count ed reaches the OD
position limit, locking signal is invalid and at the same time
the inverter torque reaches the setting of F1.10, the relay
will activate to output OD complete signal.
The complete OD signal is disabled in demo mode,
general-purpose inverter operation mode and CD process.
5: Output signal 2 for complete CD
In CD process, when the inverter receives CD position
limiting signal or when the pulse count ed reaches the CD
position limit, locking signal is disabled and at the same time