VoIP Subscriber Gateways
message transfers (third, fourth etc.).(For example, if the second nonINVITE will be
transferred after 300 ms, the third will be transmitted after 600 ms, the fourth - after
1200 ms and etc., up to value of INVITE initial timeout);
Invite total timeout (ms)
– total timeout of INVITE message transmission, in milliseconds.
Upon timeout of INVITE message transmission (in milliseconds), the selected
will be not available. It is used to limit INVITE message retranslation including
determination of SIP-proxy accessibility
– selecting a transport layer protocol that is used to receive and transmit SIP
UDP (preferred), TCP– receiving via UDP and TCP. TCP is used for packet sending
with size more than 1300 bytes, UDP- for packets with size up to 1300 bytes;
TCP (preferred), UDP – reception via UDP and TCP. Transmission via TCP. If
connection is not established via TCP, the transmission will be performed via UDP;
only UDP – use only UDP protocol;
only TCP – use only TCP protocol.
To save changes into the device operative memory, click
‘Save Changes’
SIP profiles
To edit profile, click button in the colon
of the
‘SIP profiles’