Entry Sound
This is for you to decide whether the Control
Panel should sound count-down beeps and
volume of beep during the Entry Time.
Options available are: High, Low, Off
Entry Snd Lo (Exit sound Low) is set as
factory default.
Final Door
If Final Door option is set to On, when the
system is being away armed and under Exit
Delay timer, if a Door Contact set to Entry
attribute is closed, the system will enter Away
Arm mode even if the Exit Timer has not
expired yet. If set to Off, the system will only
enter Away Arm mode after the Exit Delay
timer has expired.
Final Door Off is set as factory default.
This is for you to turn on and off the detection
feature of interference, when interference
detection is turned On, if RF signal jamming
lasts for 30 seconds, the fault event will be
logged, reported to the Central Monitoring
Station and displayed on the LCD to warn the
Detection Off is set as factory default.
Check-in Report
The Control Panel will report to the CMS
regularly according to the programmed time:
D i s a b l e
6 H r s
1 2 H r s
1 8 H r s
1 D a y
2 D a y s
3 D a y s
7 D a y s
2 8 D a y s
Factory default is “Disable”.
Offset Period
After the Control Panel is powered on, the first
check-in report (if enabled) is conditioned by
this option:
1 H r
2 H r s
3 H r s
4 H r s
8 H r s
1 2 H r s
Factory default is “1 Hr”.
After powering on, the first check-in report is
sent after the total time of Offset Period +
Check-in Report Time.
Follow On
The Follow-on setting determines the Control
Panel behavior after making a CID report.
F o l l o w - O n O f f
F o l l o w - O n O n
When set to On, after a successful CID
reporting to the Central Monitoring Center, the
Control Panel will automatically open a Listen-
in channel for a period of 3 minutes for CMS
personnel to listen to any sound on the Control
Panel side.
The Listen-in period can be reset to 3 minutes
if the CMS personnel presses the DTMF 1
During the last 20 seconds of the listen-in
period, a slow, continuous beeping sound will
start sounding at the CMS side. It reminds the
CMS personnel that the listen-in period is
about to time out.
Follow-on setting has no effect on SMS
Factory default is set to “Off”.
This is to disable or enable the Supervision
feature with selected supervision period.
Options available are Disable, 4 hours, 6
hours, 8 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours.
D i s a b l e
4 H o u r s
6 H o u r s
8 H o u r s
1 2 H o u r s
2 4 H o u r s
Disable is set as factory default. This means
the Control Panel will need to receive a
functional signal from each and every device of
the system within e.g. a 6-hour period. If any
device failed to do so, the Control Panel will