send in a Sensor-Out-Of-Order report to the
Central Monitoring Station.
H. Temperature
The High Temperature setting is not available
in the current central panel version.
L. Temperature
The Low Temperature setting is not available in
the current central panel version.
SIM Unlock
The function is used to unlock SIM Card
protected by SIM card PIN Code.
When you select this function, the panel
will check for available SIM card and ask
you to enter the PIN Code if a SIM card is
The SIM card will be unlocked if the correct
PIN Code is entered.
If wrong PIN Code is entered the operation
will fail and you will use up one of the
remaining PIN Code tries for the SIM card.
If all remaining tries are used up, the SIM
card will be locked.
If the SIM card PIN Code is already
disabled. Entering PIN Code will have no
effect on the SIM card.
The system allows you to select the language
to display in the Control Panel. There are 3
languages available to choose:
E n g l i s h
F r e n c h
I t a l i a n
Select the chosen language and press the
OK key to confirm.
3.6. /-
D/- function allows you to add/remove
/edit devices.
A d d D e v i c e
E d i t D e v i c e s
R e m o v e D e v i c e
P r o g r a m S i r e n
L e a r n P S S
Add Device
1. To learn in a device, select Add Device,
press “OK” to confirm.
2. Press the test /learn button on the device to
send a learn code to Control Panel. Please
refer to device manual for detail.
3. If the Control Panel receives the learn code,
the screen will display the device information,
press “OK” to confirm.
If the device already exists in system, the
screen will display “Already exist in
4. Select the Zone number for the device,
press “OK” to confirm.
5. For Door Contact, PIR sensor, and EIR
sensor, you need to select an attribute for
the device, press “OK” to confirm.
B u r g l a r
H o m e O m i t
E n t r y
For other devices, you do not need to select
Available attributes for Door Contact, PIR
Sensor and EIR Sensor are:
Burglar (B):
When the device is triggered under Away
Arm or Home Arm mode, a Burglar Alarm
will be activated immediately.
When the device is triggered during Entry or
Exit countdown timer, the alarm will not be
Home Omit (O)
When the device is triggered under Away
Arm mode, a Burglar Alarm will be activated
When the device is triggered under Home
Arm mode, the alarm will not be activated.
Entry (E)
When the device is triggered under Away
Arm mode, the Control Panel will begin an
Entry countdown timer. If the system is not
disarmed before the timer expires, a Burglar
Alarm will be activated.
6. Enter a name for the device, press “OK” to
7. The screen will display the final device
information, press “OK” to confirm and
complete learning for the device
The device types are identified by the