1-8 Introduction
PS-6244 Features
Programming Access
Three levels of programming access are provided: Operator, Setup, and Master. Each
level can be assigned a password that must be entered to allow programming at that
level. In addition, the Operator and Master levels can be activated on an individual
keypad through hardware terminals on the back. Careful use of programming access
levels can provide key personnel the flexibility they need in programming the controller,
while protecting settings against accidental or unauthorized changes.
Speed Compensation
Speed compensation advances the setpoints for an output channel as machine speed
increases. This eliminates the need to manually adjust the settings for fixed-response
devices whenever machine speeds are changed. Speed compensation provides greater
accuracy, higher production speeds, and reduced downtime for machine adjustment.
Motion ANDing
Two speed ranges can be programmed into the controller, and output channels can be
ANDed with either speed range so that they will be disabled unless the machine speed
is within the specified range. A common use for this feature is disabling outputs to glue
valves to turn off the glue flow if the machine stops.
Input ANDing
An output channel may be ANDed with one of eight input signals so that the output is
disabled unless the input signal is present.
Shift Register ANDing
The PS-6244 includes a shift register that can turn output channels on or off up to 255
revolutions after a signal is applied to Input Terminal 16, Figure 7. The terminal is usu-
ally connected to a product sensor.
Analog Outputs
PS-6244 controllers can drive up to two analog output modules whose output signal will
be linearly proportional to RPM. The analog signal level at zero RPM can be programmed,
as well as the RPM that corresponds to maximum signal. No measuring equipment is
required for initial setup, and calibration is not needed. Typical uses for the analog
output are to control glue pressure as machine speeds change, or to match speeds of
other equipment to the machine being controlled by the PS-6244.
Serial Communication
Using Electro Cam Corp.’s PLuSNET software for IBM-PC compatible computers, the
PS-6244’s programs can be saved to a disk file or loaded from a disk file to the PS-
6244. The programs can be printed or edited using the computer. Individual commands
may also be sent to the PS-6244 to change settings while running.
Washdown Boot
A clear silicon rubber boot can be supplied that fits over and around the keypad face.
The back of this boot provides sealing between the back of the keypad and the panel.
The boot is transparent and pliable, allowing the keypad to be viewed and operated
through it. In addition to preventing contamination from harsh chemicals, the boot also
protects the keypad from grease, oil, dirt and normal wear that could otherwise shorten
its life.