3-27 Programming
Speed Compensation
Menu Path
Some devices such as hydraulic cylinders and glue guns require a fixed amount of time
to perform their function. As a machine speeds up, these devices need to be actuated
earlier in the cycle in order to complete their action at the required time. Speed compen-
sation automatically advances the On/Off setpoints of specified output channel(s) as
the machine speeds up, maintaining proper synchronization at all speeds.
Speed Comp Units
Speed compensation is programmed by entering the response time of the output de-
vice in milliseconds (.001 Sec). The output will always turn on this number of mSec
before the programmed On position is reached, and turn off this number of mSec be-
fore the programmed Off position is reached. As speed increases, the number of de-
grees of advance will automatically increase to maintain the number of mSec of ad-
The speed compensation screen shows the Output Channel and the speed compensa-
tion value for that channel.
To change speed comp values, use the numeric keys or INC and DEC. You can enter
values of speed comp in milliseconds without using the decimal point: “12 ENT” will
result in a value of 12.0.
To change output channels, move the cursor to the channel number and enter a new
one. You may also INC or DEC the channel number.
Negative Speed Comp
Negative values of speed compensation cause the output channel to lag its programmed
machine position by the specified number of mSec.
It is used when an input sensor is being gated, by the corresponding output channel,
into another control system (PLC, registration control, etc.) Sensor lag can cause an
object that is present at the correct position in the cycle to appear late. Negative speed
comp can retard the gate signal so the sensor and gate signals are in sync when the
object is in the correct position.
Since most sensors have very fast response times, negative speed comp is needed
only where the sensor is slow to respond or the machine speeds are high and sensor
timing is critical.
It may also be used if there is mechanical "wrap up" present in the machine being
controlled. Wrap up will cause machine elements to shift relative to each other as speed
increases. This situation may cause an event to happen later in the cycle as the ma-
chine goes faster.
Setting Negative Comp
Press the +/- key after entering a number but before pressing ENT, or by decrement a
value below zero.
CH: 1<LE: 10.0
TE: 20.0
Leading edge compensation (10 msec shown)
Trailing edge compensation (20 msec shown)
Output Channel