Elcon Models - © 2010
A special thanks goes out to our families. They supported the very start of Elcon Models and still do.
Thank you for your patience and time through good and bad Janie, Saskia, Jeroen, Klára, Nol, Lida & Lars.
Other people that did their very best to contribute as much as possible to this product are of course our team
drivers: Johnny Lantman, Renze Brink, Ken Walckiers, Tim Vander Elst, Andrew Knight, Andreas Kamp & Curt
Sonneville. They all provided hours and hours of testing and feeded us time after time with new input, ideas and
usefull information and they will continue to do so.
Thanks guys!
Also we thank all our customers for their continuous support, help and input.
Especially Ron Krikke and Renze Brink at Krikke Racing. Horst Weyer and Martin Gerhardt at Hobbythek and last
but deffinately not least we thank Steve Leake at Tornado Racing for his patience, time and tech info.
Thanks !
Jan Workum & Onno Abbes