Elcon Models - © 2010
Softer (thinner) spring will add grip but the car will be more prone to bottoming out.
The ride height can be changed with the outer ring.
The higher the car is set the more sensible it will become to traction rolls. Advised is a ride height of aproximately
30~35mm. Depending on the track and personal preferances the car may be set higher or lower.
A general rule that can lead you into the right set-up of your shockers is:
“Make them as soft as possible and as hard as nescesarry”
By changing the preload on the cutch springs the point of engagement can be altered.
Do not turn the set screw in more than 2 turns as the spring will then be compressed until block height during
function. The clutch shoe then cannot provide the clutch engagement.
Setting the clutch is a matter of personal preferances and very much depending on the type of track and
conditions. On wet/slippery tracks a low point of engagement is preferred for more control when accelerating.
The Ackerman angle can be changed by changing the position of the steering rods on the central steering plate.
We advise to mount the rod first at the rear hole.
The front hole will smoothen steering better suited for high speed tracks with long fast corners.
The rear hole quickens the initial steering, the car reacts quicker to the steering input.
Servo saver pre-load
The servo saver pre-load can be altered by adding rings behind the inner springs. At the side of the closing caps.
The higher the pre-tension is set the more force will be needed for the saver to start working.
A higher pre-load will provide more direct steering, but will be less protective for the steering servo. We advise not
to place any rings at the start. Place only extra rings when through other alterations a more direct steering
behaviour could not be achieved. Place only rings after installing a second steering servo.