2004 software Manual
Contents and installation
This package contains :
"step-by-step" manual,
USB-DMX512 interface.
To be fully operational, this package should be used with a PC having the following features :
Laptop or desktop computer with USB port
Windows ME, XP or any up-to-date version
800x600 screen resolution (1280x1024 recommended)
256Mb Memory (512 Mb recommended)
Clock frequency : 800 Mhz (1.5 Ghz recommended)
a 32Mb RAM video card to use the"3D software" software (latest generation for best results)
The software is made available in accordance with user's requirements and comes out in several
versions with various interface models. In order to meet all possible situations for instant working-
order guaranteed, two installations have been made distinct : Step one :
Installing the DMX 512 interface
. Step two :
installing the software
. In both cases installation is carried
out via Windows interface and should be easy to complete…
The USB-style interface is a small translucent box which is connected to your PC's USB port (see
photo below).The software uses the DMX512 protocol to control lighting equipment. This protocol is
universal, which is a bonus. Interfaces have a 3-pin XLR-type connector. If your equipment uses a 5-
pin XLR connector, it will be necessary to replace the 3 pin connector or purchase an XLR3/XLR5
adaptor. Make sure the connection is properly made (pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2…) when building
your own adaptor cable.
The USB/DMX interface is specifically equipped with a memory which allows it to work in Stand
Alone mode in case of PC-failure or restricted use. In Stand Alone mode the USB/DMX is equipped
with a connector which allows it to be externally-powered (9V or 12V DC). In Stand Alone mode, the
interface can recall up to 255 scenes which will be called back in numerical order by pressing the
"Previous" or "Next" buttons on the top of the interface box.
To program the Stand Alone mode, Easy Stand Alone software is necessary and should be installed
from the CDrom. Even though it is easy to use, its own instruction booklet has been enclosed within.