2004 software Manual
On/Off mode
It is used to program a channel in set "On"
mode as long as the scene is activated.
"On" mode is activated (set position : 100%) by
clicking left-clicking.
"Off" mode is activated (set position : 0%) by
clicking right-clicking.
Dimmer mode
It is used to program a channel by setting its
DMX value as long the scene is activated. By
default this value is on a minimum 0% level but
may be modified. For instance, to program
several channels on 50%, the easiest way is to
set Dimmer-mode on 50% then to click on the
leds of the channels.
EasyStep mode
The Easy Step rack allows to create simple
steps scenes.
These steps can fade or not between each of
them. To use the rack, you must select the
appropriate function (fade or not) and then link
it up to the outputs.
Using fade and wait time is really simple, you
only have to setup both of them in the
appropriate control.
EasyTime mode
It is used to program a sequence of steps for a
channel which will play automatically once the
button has been activated.
The EasyTime module enables you to program
(and visualize) each step for all the channels
programmed in "EasyTime" mode.
Copy/Paste mode
It is used to copy one or more channels from
other channels.
For instance, if you have carefully set a color-
type or a stroboscope-value, you just have to
copy then to apply it to other fixtures.
You can assign channels one by one or else assign a whole series in one operation
by "dragging & dropping" channel-leds.
"On/Off" modes and "faders" make it possible to program set positions. To program
variable intensity, position, colour or focus on the button it is essential to assign
"EasyTime" mode and to use the "EasyTime" rack.
To assign the modes available within the racks, proceed in a similar way. First select
what you wish to assign then click the channel led(s).