2004 software Manual
Using the sortcuts
Our new scene is now available in our page. We can test it to check whether everything has been
saved. To release all the buttons, we can double-click on the "INIT" scene. However, this should be
easier if we had a key shortcut to do so. Imagine we want to use the "i" button to release everything.
There is nothing easier, we just need to select the "INIT" scene and press "Ctrl+i" on our
keyboard..."Ctrl+h" would mean that we select the "h" key...
Now we know how to add a shortcut on a button (scene, switch or cycle) by pressing the "Ctrl" plus
the key : "i" in our example. We want to add the "b" shortcut to the "Shutter Close" button, we must
select the button and then press "Ctrl+b". We can also add a shortcut to our scene, we select the
scene and then we press "Ctrl+1". Now we can call our scene with the "1" key of our keyboard. Let
us give a look to page now.