2004 software Manual
What is the difference between dimmer and On/Off modes
By default, when programming a "Scene" or a "Switch" for the first time, all the channels are in "off"
A channel in "On" mode is very similar to a channel in 100% "Dimmer" mode. Likewise, a channel in
"Off" mode is very similar to a channel in 0% "Dimmer", but not entirely so...
In the event of a fade between two "Scenes", intensity of channels in "On" and "Off" mode will
change abruptly whereas other channels will gradually adjust to the new preset value.
In the case of a "Switch", channels in "Off" mode will be ignored and will therefore remain
Ex : if you want to create a magnificent rocket-takeoff effect for a show or on a dance-floor, it is easy
: just use channels in "On" mode to activate DMX-controlled smoke-generator(s) and DMX-operated
fans while activating dimmers to intensify light to symbolize flames (via a fade). The whole process
will be programmed on a "Scene" called "Take off"...
In a "Scene"
In a "Switch"
"Dimmer" mode
The channel is adjusted to appropriate level
with a possible transfer (fade)
The channel is adjusted
to appropriate level
"On" mode
The channel is immediately switched on
100% (no transfer)
The channel is on 100%
"Off" mode
The channel is immediately switched on 0%
(no transfer)
The channel is ignored