2004 software Manual
These windows can be moved into a re-sizeable and/or hidden floating window.
Such notions as "pages" and "cycles" will be defined later, but first of all, let's have a look at the
main area, that is the button grid. Activation of these buttons will allow you to conduct your lighting-
control. Some of them are gray, blank and will remain un-activated until they are assigned a specific
You can make a "page" visible or not, but it does not mean that the page is activated (or not). It only
means that you can make a page visible as a window or keep it activated but not displayed. In the
"Pages" window, visible pages are written in bold. There are several ways to make a page visible or
not :
you can go to the "Page" menu and click on "Display the page"
from the "Pages" window, right-click on the page name and select "Display the page"
from the "Pages window", click on the small eye (left of page name, see below).
You can restore default positions by selecting the "Reset to default positions" option
from the "Windows-Reset positions" menu.