2004 software Manual
To add or delete a point, several methods can be used :
Select the cells corresponding to the referential point (2,or 4 cells if the fixture has micro-steps)
then use "Cut,Copy or Insert" from toolbar.
Click right on the point and select "Cut","Copy" or "Insert " from menu.
There are 3 different types of vectorial movements :
Curve (e.g. a Circle)
Line (e.g. a triangle)
Positions (going straight away from one point to another)
These settings are carried out on the "Properties" windows where many other functions are available
(setting size in real time, selecting time-scale, saving and opening shape-files).
NB :
A channel operated by a vectorial movement in EasyTime can be identified by green cells
whereas red cells indicate that the channel is in "non vectorial" mode
In one button, each fixture can only be assigned one type of vectorial movement (curve, line or
positions). However, channels can be converted into "non vectorial" mode, then any cells can be