Findclouds Manual 14
when activated. The software will overwrite existing images when repeating the evaluation. The
images will be named by date, time and the following extensions:
"NE" ... extension for normal exposed origin image.
… Year Month Day hour min sec
"UE" ... extension for underexposed origin image.
... extension for simplified cloudiness evaluation using BRBG algorithm.
... extension for simplified cloudiness evaluation using CDOC algorithm.
[Memorise Images]
When activated the software keeps the images shown on top right side of the
window in memory. This way you can click to evaluated lines and the correspondent images will be
shown. When this option is not activated, the images will only be shown once and will vanish,
when a new image was computed, or the line of evaluation was changed.
This option is meant to prevent the memory from being flooded by images, when a lot of files is
evaluated. There is no relation to option [Save Images]. Be aware, that view options (see below)
can override showing of memorised images.
[Load Evaluations]
loads existing evaluations to the image list of main dialogue when activated.
Otherwise this list will show only current evaluations.
[Exclude By Ratio]
activates an analysis of the Blue/Red ratio before evaluation. When the
minimal red blue ratio is equal to 1.0, probably it is not possible to evaluate this image and the
software ignores it. Exclusion by colour ratio is shown as ''-2'' in the results of the evaluation of
"Append To Evaluation"
allows to append additional evaluation data to the line of cloudiness evaluation.
[HCF, BR Ratio]
adds HCF value and the Ratios Blue/Red
, Blue/Red
and Blue/Red
to the
line. A minimal BR ratio of 1.0 often is evidence that it is not possible to evaluate the image.
adds the current values of evaluation settings to the line. This is helpful to control
the effect of altered settings.
changes style of the software into another look. Changes of scheme need a restart of the software
to take effect.
"Automatic Evaluation''
[Evaluate new files]
causes the software to control the Cloudcam directories for newly created
images and evaluate them.
[Days Back]
With "days back" of zero it controls the directories of the current date. With a higher