Findclouds Manual 10
clicking on its entry and add one or more directories by holding the "Ctrl" key. It is possible to add a
block of directories by clicking to the first entry, holding the "Shift" key and clicking to the last entry.
To add several different blocks, you must click to the first entry, hold the "Shift" key and click the
last entry of first block, then release "Shift" key, hold "Ctrl" key and click to first entry of the second
block, release the "Ctrl" key and hold the "Shift" key to click to last entry of second block, and so
browser shows all ".jpg" files found in selected directories of days. The file names
are splitted into date, time and level of exposure and the filename format of
"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_Ext.jpg" is mandatory given. When a pair of exposure levels is defined in
configuration (e.g. "0" and "02") the software groups these files and shows them as one, but with
grouped extensions. For evaluation the files can be selected the same way told above for "Days"
browser, but additionally they all will be evaluated, when none is selected. The software doesn't
care if a file was evaluated before, but evaluates all selected files.
When evaluation is started by button
the browsers and some buttons will be
deactivated to prevent software from crashing by removing files being in evaluation. Anyway
change of day/ Cloudcam will remove current evaluations from the image browser.
While evaluating, the numeric results will appear in columns of "Images" browser.
The processed images will be shown on right side of the window - first the projected normal
exposed and underexposed image, second the simplified images the cloudiness was calculated
It is also possible to save evaluations to hard disk and when there is a save option activated (see