Findclouds Manual 24
2.8 Configuration of Evaluation
This is the dialog for configuration of evaluation. It shows all steps of evaluation and allows to
configure the parameters and details of evaluation. So the results of evaluation are not "out of the
blue", but can be retraced in detail and adjusted for better results. For maximum evaluation speed
it is recommended to close this dialog. The options are part of the Cloudcam configuration, so it is
possible to set different parameters to different Cloudcams.
As a feature a more detailed image will be shown by clicking on one of the images. This is a copy
and will stay when doing a new evaluation, so it can be used for comparison to evaluate parameter
In general it is possible to change parameters by using the sliders, or by entering them to the white
input fields and assign them by pressing enter key (e.g. "0.9<enter>" sets the new value 0.9).
The evaluation starts on top left showing the normal exposed
image '20130928104500_0.jpg' and on right hand side of it
there is the underexposed image 'Photo UE', which was
associated by extension (Configuration of Cloudcam). When
there is no underexposed image, this place and subsequent
evaluations (Projection UE, Colourratio UE and Blue Sky UE) will be empty and gray.