Findclouds Manual 16
2.7 Configuration Cloudcam
This is the start window of Cloudcam configuration dialog. For each Cloudcam in use there must
be a configuration file for definition of the Cloudcam characteristics. There are some basic options,
that can be changed at once by filling in values. Some options, that belong to the images made,
are deactivated and for better control these options can only be changed, when a Cloudcam image
was load. This way provides a direct verification of specified values, because they are applied to a
real example.
Square Resolution
The Cloudcam uses a fisheye lens ("whole-sky lens") which takes a circular image near the middle
of the rectangular photo. Because of that, both sides of the image are unused black areas, which
can be cut off, resulting in a square image with same width as height. But also this image contains
a lot of unused black areas. So configuration allows to define a "zero circle" that covers just the
fisheye area and allows software to cut image into best detail.
''Original'', ''Masked''
When there was an example image loaded, the "Original" resolution
(original height) and the "Masked" resolution ( the image is cut to) is shown.
To speed up evaluation it is possible to reduce resolution one time more by setting a